Thank you for joining our session, Supporting the Economic Inclusion of Immigrants and Refugees with International Education and Experience at the 2023 COABE conference!
We are pleased to share How Adult Educators Can Support Internationally Educated Immigrants and Refugees.
You can explore the following resources for more information from World Education Services (WES) and our partners.
For Adult Education Practitioners:
WES Resources
- WES Advisor Blog
- WES Global Talent Bridge Resources Page
- WES Partner Events and Trainings
- WES Skilled Immigrant Integration Program (SIIP)
Workforce and Adult Education Resources
- World Education CrowdEDLearning Skillblox
- Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (LINCS)
- National College Transition Network (NCTN)
Policy and Advocacy Partners and Programs
- American Immigration Council (AIC)
- Community College Consortium for Immigrant education (CCCIE)
- Imprint Coalition
- Migration Policy Institute
- National Partnership for New Americans(NPNA)
- National Skills Coalition (NSC)
- Welcoming America
For Internationally Trained Immigrants and Refugees:
WES Resources
- WES Advisor Blog
- WES Career Pathways Tools and Resources
- WES Credential Evaluations
- WES Events for Immigrants, and Refugees
Workforce and Adult Education Resources
Please contact us with comments or questions at [email protected].
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