WES Report
Bolstering Pathways to Practice: Empowering Internationally Educated Nurses in Canada

About the report:

Nursing vacancies in Canada have increased by nearly 150% over the last five years, and shortages are expected to reach upwards of 100,000 positions by 2030. Yet only 42% of internationally educated nurses (IENs) in Canada are employed in the professional health care sector and face significant barriers surrounding licensure pathways and workplace support.

WES, in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Union (CFNU), Canada’s largest nurses’ organization, hosted a series of workshops with IENs from across Canada to hear firsthand the challenges they face reconnecting to their careers in the health care field and to gather their input on possible solutions. This report shares our findings, detailing the barriers to licensure faced by IENs and outlining eight actionable recommendations to bolster pathways to practice and foster a more inclusive and robust health care system in Canada.

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